Monday, November 19, 2007

Thanks be to God!

What an incredible weekend at Willow! This weekend we celebrated baptisms at all 3 services. Gene's message about counting the cost and taking seriously the call to follow Christ was powerful. At the end, we witnessed many go public with their faith in Christ through baptism. I was down in front on Saturday night talking to those who responded to Gene's invitation to walk up and be baptized right then. I wish you could have had the privilege to talk with these people like I did. Through their tears and their joy, you could see the Spirit of God stirring and actively moving in their lives. They were taking a big step to go public with their allegiance and love for Jesus Christ.

What made this weekend even more special was that two members of our neighborhood Table took the plunge and got baptized. What a joy it was to witness Carl & Kathy take another step in their journey of faith in Christ through baptism!

Thanks be to God for His work and activity in our lives, in our community, and in our church!

"But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." 1 Corinthians 15:57

In this week when we celebrate Thanksgiving, may we remember and give thanks for the great victory we have in Christ...

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Reflections on the Life of Moses (2)

Standing Firm Together (Exodus 13 - 15)

It's amazing when you go to church, listen to a message, and walk away feeling like the message was sent from God just for you. That's how I felt this past weekend as Bill taught from Exodus 14 on the Israelites being backed up against the wall between the Red Sea and the charging Egyptian army.

I'm just in one of those seasons where discouragement seems to come more quickly than usual. Can you relate to the feeling of being easily discouraged? As Bill taught us, amidst that discouragement, it is easy to get sarcastic and expect the worst to happen. And you begin to grumble, complain, and play the "woe is me" card.

I love how Moses steps in with courage and strength and speaks to the Israelites in their pitied state (Exodus 14:13-14):

"Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today... The Lord will fight for you; you need only be still."

Bill broke this down into 3 encouragements: fearing not, standing firm, and expecting God to work. Related to fearing not, I especially was impacted by his challenge to take captive your thoughts and filter them with the truth. Even when I do journal, I often don't evaluate what I'm feeling with what is true. Yes, I want to grow in reflecting on where I'm at, but also bringing the truth of God's Word and the truth about God's character into all of that.

So this week, I'm going to continue to soak in these words from the Scriptures in Exodus 14:13-14. I know I need them. And even now, I continue to feel God's tug on my heart to just be still and stand firm, knowing that He will fight for me and bring His deliverance.

So together, let's fear not, stand firm, and expect God to show up in power and might for the Lord is and will forever be our strength and salvation (Exodus 15:2)...

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Reflections on the Life of Moses (1)

Amazingly Inadequate (Exodus 1 - 6)

Do you ever feel alone in your inadequacy? Do you ever wonder if you are the only one who struggles with feeling like you are not enough? As I read the beginning chapters of Exodus this past week, I was once again surprised about how Moses, this great leader of Israel, came across as so insecure and I guess... so normal. Check out a few verses that highlight how Moses wrestled with feelings of inadequacy:
But Moses said to God, "Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?" (3:11)

Moses said to the LORD, "Pardon your servant, Lord. I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue" (4:10)

But Moses said, "Pardon your servant, Lord. Please send someone else." (4:13)

But Moses said to the LORD, "If the Israelites will not listen to me, why would Pharaoh listen to me, since I speak with faltering lips?" (6:12)

Wow... can you feel Moses' struggle? He was fighting a real battle with God about who he saw himself to be. And honestly, this encourages me to know that I'm not alone in my struggle with fear and inadequacy. Throughout my life, I have struggled greatly with things similar to what Moses struggled with... like speaking in front of people.

I remember how in high school I put off speech class to the final semester because I was so scared to get up in front of people. I got so unbelievably nervous weeks before I had to give a speech. This struggle continued on in college, and I often found myself running away from opportunities that included public speaking. But as God's call on my life began to unfold, it became harder to avoid getting up in front of people! And over time, even though I still feel greatly inadequate when speaking in front of people, God has shown me that His promises to Moses are true. God "will be with me" (3:12) and He will "help me to speak and will teach me what to say" (4:12). So yes, my fear and anxiety has decreased over time. But it is because I've experienced God's faithfulness and presence in those moments of inadequacy which spurs me on to trust God more fully in future situations.

So how about you? Do you ever feel inadequate and overwhelmed with the circumstances and life God has called you to? Do you find yourself thinking...

"Who am I"... OR

"God, I am not ____"... OR

"Lord, please send someone else!"

The cool thing is that God calls and uses those of us who are inadequate and weak. He wants to demonstrate that his "power is made perfect in weakness" (2 Corinthians 12:9). So don't run away from your inadequacy, but instead, come honestly before your Maker with these struggles. He's ready and waiting to embrace you in all your inadequacy with His Power and Presence. I pray that you will experience God's faithfulness as I have and will know that He wants to use you not in spite of, but because of your weaknesses...

Thoughts? Comments?