Sunday, January 6, 2008

Faith Seeking Understanding

One of my goals this year as I read through the Bible is to ask more questions. As one theologian puts it, "As long as Christians remain pilgrims of faith, they will continue to raise questions - hard questions - for which they will not always find answers... Faith seeks understanding passionately and relentlessly, or it languishes and eventually dies" (Daniel Migliore). I think our journey to know God will only deepen as we feel the permission and freedom to ask tough questions. With faith, may we be seeking after understanding.

So I'm reading through Genesis 1 the other day and trying to break it down based on what God creates on each day.

Day 1 - Light & Darkness
Day 2 - Sky
Day 3 - Land, Seas, Plants & Trees
Day 4 - Sun, Moon, & Stars
Day 5 - Birds & Sea Creatures
Day 6 - Land Animals & Human Beings
Day 7 - Holy Day of Rest

So... human beings are the pinnacle of God's creation, made in the very image of God and yet we don't even get our own day?!? Why couldn't God have created the land animals on Day 5 and then leave Day 6 just for us? I don't have the answer, just asking the question...

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